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Donate to Bloomin' Dementia

Your donation means so much to us - whether it's a few pounds or a long term commitment, we're incredibly grateful to each and every one of our supporters. Your contributions allow us to keep on top of our running costs and provide practical support to those who need it most.

There are various ways you can donate, whether this is directly, through our fundraising platform Wonderful, or through a shopping scheme run by Give as you Live, Amazon, or the Cooperative.

You can also transfer directly to our account using the details below (and please use the reference WEB DONATION with your name):

Sort code: 60-83-01  | Account number: 20379821

Also, if you can donate suitable items that we can sell to raise funds, we are also selectively grateful for your offer of the items.


For 2022, we are using Wonderful as our fundraising platform as they charge zero fees to us or our donors meaning 100% of your donation, plus gift aid is given directly to us!!


Shopping partners


Every time you shop online you could raise FREE ££'s for us! It takes 2 mins to sign up to Give as you Live, and they'll turn a percentage of everything you buy into a donation to us!

  • It’s free

  • There’s a handy app

  • There are over £5,500 stores!

Sign Up HERE!

Customers who shop at smile.amazon.com will find the same Amazon they know and love, with the added bonus that AmazonSmile will donate a portion of the eligible purchase price to the charity of your choice.

AmazonSmile can be used on a web browser or mobile phone.

To sign up,

  • Visit smile.amazon.com

  • Sign in with your usual Amazon.com account

  • Select Bloomin Dementia

  • Start Shopping!!

We are absolutely thrilled to have been chosen as one of the charities to benefit from the Co-op Local Community Fund for 2021!

If you have a membership card then please remember to nominate us as your selected charity.

Follow the link for more information! https://membership.coop.co.uk/causes/51310