Some pictures from past and up ANd coming events.

Calendar of Events

Annual Events

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Past Events

Here are a couple of our past events and the type of thing you can expect to see more of in the future...


Charity Walk

In October 2017, a part of the charity's launch, we held our very own charity walk through Nottingham - from The Forest Recreation Ground to the City Ground Nottingham, home of Nottingham Forest.

With over 50 participants, as well as support from local businesses and celebrities, we were able to raise over £4,200. This enabled us to kickstart our activities in the local community and deliver more support to those individuals with a diagnosis of dementia.

This year’s Walk for Dementia has a target of £5,000.

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Want to host an event?

If you'd like to host an event for fundraising or to raise awareness, please get in touch with us and we'd love to discuss your ideas. Get in touch here.